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Common Myths About Commercial Roof Coatings Debunked

Numerous business owners in Centerville, OH rely on A. H. Sturgill Roofing for their commendable services and professional advice when it comes to maintaining commercial roofs. Their roofing experts believe that commercial roof coatings are one of the most efficient solutions, yet many misconceptions prevail about them leading to confusion among customers making uninformed decisions. Hence through this blog, they aim at debunking some commonly known myths revolving around such coatings and if you’re seeking further assistance don’t hesitate to ring us up at (937) 254-2955!

Myth 1: Commercial Roof Coatings Are Just Paint

A popular misconception states that roof coatings serve only as paint. The truth, however, is that specialized formulations make up these coatings to defend and prolong the longevity of your commercial rooftop. Unlike paint substances, they create a seamless barrier against water leakage while resisting extreme climate conditions such as UV radiation. These designs are specifically engineered to conform cohesively with various roofing materials providing unparalleled protection for an extended duration.

Myth 2: Roof Coatings Are Only for Old Roofs

Roof coatings are not just for worn-out or damaged rooftops, as is commonly believed. They certainly do have the ability to renew and elongate an older roof’s lifespan; nevertheless, they also function as a highly effective measure of prevention for new roofs. Coating application can boost durability on newly installed roofing systems, aiding in energy efficiency improvement while slowing down expensive repair or replacement needs later.

Myth 3: Roof Coatings Are a Temporary Fix

Despite common belief, roof coatings are not just a temporary fix that will require constant reapplication. In fact, when top-notch coatings are correctly implemented and cared for, they can endure for many years. The longevity of each coating varies depending on the type used as well as environmental conditions; nevertheless, some high-quality options can offer protection exceeding 20 years or longer. By conducting periodic checkups and upkeep procedures we may extend this lifespan even further.

Myth 4: Roof Coatings Are Expensive

A common misconception we often come across is that roof coatings are unaffordable. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth as they can prove to be more economical than a traditional full roof replacement. They have the ability to considerably curtail energy expenses through sunlight reflection and heat reduction while their installation process causes less of an interference in your business operations compared to replacing your entire roofing system resulting in minimal downtime for you.

Myth 5: Any Contractor Can Apply Roof Coatings

For individuals seeking to apply roof coatings, it is imperative to recognize that not all contractors possess the requisite expertise. The proficiency and experience of an applicator are fundamental factors in determining whether a roof coating project will be successful or not. Fortunately, A.H Sturgill Roofing, located in Centerville, OH, has assembled a specialized team of experts who focus on applying high-quality roof coatings. We guarantee that each undertaking we embark upon meets stringent benchmarks for quality and longevity.

To sum up, the usage of commercial roof coatings provides manifold advantages that aid in safeguarding and extending your roof’s lifespan. Our aim is to dispel these misconceptions surrounding this useful roofing remedy for better comprehension. If you require further details or wish to book an appointment, reach out to A.H Sturgill Roofing on (937) 254-2955. We specialize in top-notch roofing facilities in Centerville, OH that can assist you in securing your investment significantly!

Commercial Roofing Contractor – How Weather Impacts Your Roof and Protection Tips

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We, at A.H. Sturgill Roofing, understand that the climate in Centerville, OH can have a notable influence on your commercial roof’s durability. Diverse weather patterns such as blistering summer temperatures or extreme winter downpours may result in several problems affecting the effectiveness and endurance of your roofing infrastructure. Safeguarding your rooftop against these factors is imperative for upkeeping an efficient and secure edifice. Reach out to us at (937) 254-2955 if you desire expert guidance or consultation scheduling services from our team of commercial roofing contractors!

How Weather Can Affect Your Roof

1. Moisture and Rain:

Leakage and water damage can be caused by intense downpour and prolonged dampness. This could result in the penetration of moisture into roofing components, ultimately causing deterioration, fungus development as well as structural instability. It is crucial to guarantee appropriate drainage for your roof while sealing off any conceivable openings that may allow entry of water.

2. Snow and Ice:

Commercial Roofing Contractor

The winter season presents distinct obstacles that demand immediate attention. Accumulated snow and ice can exert excessive pressure on your roof, resulting in distress. The boundaries of your roof are vulnerable to the formation of ice dams due to melted snow freezing at its edges which obstructs drainage channels leading to leakage problems. Additionally, if not taken care of promptly, structural damage may occur as a result of the surplus weight from accumulated snow and ice concerns”.

3. Heat and Sun:

Roofing materials can deteriorate with extended exposure to the sun resulting in cracks and brittleness. The roof’s surface may suffer from degradation by UV rays, while high temperatures cause thermal expansion leading to warping and additional harm. Using reflective coatings along with proper insulation could alleviate such impacts on roofing systems.

4. Wind

Roofing materials can be lifted and relocated by powerful winds, leaving the structure beneath vulnerable to weather conditions. Wind-induced rain may infiltrate roofing layers, resulting in leaks and water harm. Proper installation of all roofing components is key; secured ones have a better chance at reducing wind damage risks.

Tips from A. H. Sturgill Roofing for Protecting Your Property

1. Regular Inspections:

Make sure you schedule routine roof inspections, particularly following intense weather conditions. These professional evaluations can detect and resolve any possible problems before they escalate into significant concerns. Our team at A.H. Sturgill Roofing provides inclusive inspection services to ensure your roof is always in optimal condition.

2. Prompt Repairs:

If you notice any indications of damage, it is crucial to deal with them right away. Even minor leaks or cracks can rapidly deteriorate if ignored. Timely repairs will safeguard your roof’s strength and avert further harm from occurring.

3. Proper Maintenance:

Regular upkeep tasks, such as clearing gutters and eliminating clutter, are crucial for preventing blockages and ensuring adequate drainage. Maintaining the cleanliness of your roof while keeping it devoid of debris will prevent water accumulation and potential leakage.

4. Quality Materials:

If you want to improve the protection of your commercial property, it’s wise to consider investing in top-notch roofing materials that can endure harsh climates. A.H. Sturgill Roofing provides a variety of long-lasting and resilient options customized based on your preferences.

5. Weatherproof Coatings:

To prolong your roof’s life, you should contemplate the application of weatherproof coatings that fortify its resilience to natural elements. With their ability to safeguard against thermal expansion, moisture and UV rays, these products prove integral for preserving roofs’ longevity.


A.H Sturgill Roofing, the leading commercial roofing contractor in Centerville, OH, is committed to assisting businesses in Centerville by providing skilled services with top-notch materials for their roofs’ maintenance needs. Inquire or schedule an appointment today at (937) 254-2955 for more information about how we can aid you in ensuring that your roofing system lasts longer than expected.

Top 5 Roofing Materials Recommended by a Commercial Roofing Company in Centerville, OH

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It is essential to select the appropriate roofing material for your commercial property in order to achieve durability, energy efficiency, and an attractive appearance. has provided exceptional guidance and superior roofing options in the Centerville, OH region for several years now and is known as the premier commercial roofing company in Centerville, OH. Whether you are starting a new construction project or replacing an old roof, we suggest five of the most excellent materials available on the market today. To learn more about our services or address individual requirements pertaining to your building’s structure contact us at (937) 254-2955 without hesitation!

Thermoplastic Olefin or TPO

TPO membrane is a highly favored roofing material for commercial structures owing to its remarkable sturdiness and energy-saving features. This single-ply sheet has the ability to deflect UV radiation which leads to less cooling expenses during scorching summer months. Additionally, TPO resists chemical exposure and punctures thus making it ideal for multiple business applications as a strong guard against potential damage.

EPDM, an acronym for Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer

Commercial Roofing Company

EPDM, renowned for its durability and pliability, is a man-made rubber fabric that operates exceptionally well in various environmental conditions. This flexibility ensures it to be an adaptable option for Centerville’s roofing needs. Not only does EPDM have low installation costs but also requires minimal upkeep while being easily repairable when any issues arise – making sure commercial clients are getting their money’s worth! Although the black surface adds warmth retention benefits throughout cold seasons; specialized cooling solutions may need consideration during hotter periods due to this attribute of heat absorption propensity.

Metal roofing

Metal roofs are appreciated for their robustness, durability, and low upkeep necessities. Different materials like steel, aluminum or copper offer a wide range of aesthetic choices. They have the attributes to resist fires, energy-efficient capabilities besides being able to withstand inclement weather conditions that make them perfect for commercial edifices. Moreover, they can be seamlessly integrated with solar panels promoting their eco-friendliness as well.

Modified bitumen

Reinforced with fiberglass or polyester, modified bitumen is an asphalt-derived roofing material that boasts exceptional waterproofing qualities and can withstand harsh weather conditions. By being layered multiple times, it offers greater resilience to leaks and improved durability. Given its reliable strength and longevity in commercial applications, modified bitumen presents a smart choice for long-term roof protection needs.

BUR, also known as Built-Up Roofing.

BUR, short for Built-up roofing, has been a popular method of roof construction for more than 100 years. This technique involves laying down several layers of asphalt and reinforced cloth to form an impenetrable membrane that provides superior durability and waterproof properties. BUR’s robustness also makes it resistant against UV rays, harsh weather conditions as well as heavy foot traffic which makes it ideal for commercial buildings with flat or low inclined roofs. Its track record speaks volumes about its dependability in the world of commercial roofing, making BUR an essential component always used by professionals in their projects.

At A. H. Sturgill Roofing, a leading commercial roofing company in the region, we understand that selecting the appropriate roofing material is crucial for ensuring your commercial roof’s durability and efficiency in Centerville, OH. Our team of experts is dedicated to aiding you pick the ideal roofing solution that suits your specific requirements by offering TPO, EPDM, metal, modified bitumen or BUR options with skilled installation and maintenance services guaranteed. To learn more about our offerings or plan a consultation session feel free to reach us at (937) 254-2955; let us assist in safeguarding your investment using top-of-the-line sturdily built materials!

The Business Case for Your Commercial Metal Roof Restoration: ROI and More

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Located in Centerville, OH, A. H. Sturgill Roofing comprehends the significance of how every choice you make involving your commercial establishment has a repercussion on its financial outlook. We acknowledge that repairing your metal roofing isn’t simply for upkeep but serves as an investment to maintain the integrity of your property. Contact us at (937) 254-2955 today and let’s discuss ways of expanding the lifespan expectancy of your roof with the help of our metal roof restoration services!

Longevity and Durability

Renowned for their longevity and durability, metal roofs can have their lifespan significantly extended through restoration. This approach ultimately saves you from the expense of a costly replacement while also investing in your structure’s future longevity.

Energy Efficiency

If you restore your metal roof with proper coatings and treatments, it can boost energy efficiency by reflecting more sunlight while absorbing less heat. Consequently, this will result in lower energy bills as air conditioning usage decreases. Residents of Centerville could experience immediate financial advantages from this measure due to the hot summer conditions; businesses may certainly enjoy ongoing savings over time.


Commercial Metal Roof Restoration

Opting for restoration instead of replacement is an acknowledgment of your environmental accountability. Restoring your present roof results in less material wastage that would otherwise fill up the landfills. Additionally, a restored rooftop’s energy efficiency translates to decreased carbon emissions- hence commendable progress towards achieving sustainable objectives for your enterprise.

Aesthetics and Property Value

By restoring your roof, you can enhance the visual appeal of your property and attract more potential tenants or customers. The improved appearance may also raise property values, enabling you to charge a higher premium if you choose to lease or sell it in the future.

Risk Mitigation

The potential consequences of a roof that has been compromised include water leaks, structural damage, and the growth of mold. Restoration lessens these risks by fortifying the structure and sealing off possible leakage points. Taking this preventive measure minimizes the chances of exorbitant repairs due to water harm or more severe incidents.

Advantages of Insurance

Reducing insurance premiums is possible by maintaining a well-rested roof. A property in good condition has decreased risk, which insurers prefer. The expense of restoring the rooftop can be compensated for by this significant drop in premiums.

Our team at A. H. Sturgill Roofing in Centerville, OH is prepared to assist you in discovering the benefits of metal roof restoration. Reach out to us now at (937) 254-2955 for a conversation about how we can prolong the lifespan of your roofing system, boost the efficiency of your building and ultimately improve profitability for your business. Remember: investing in roof restoration today sets up success for tomorrow!

When to Consider Commercial Roof Replacement: Key Indicators

It is essential to prioritize the replacement of a commercial building’s roof in order to uphold the safety, functionality, and appearance of your business establishment. A. H. Sturgill Roofing situated in Centerville, OH acknowledges the significance of timely commercial roof replacements services and will assist you in identifying crucial warning signs that indicate it is time for an upgrade. Please don’t hesitate to call us on (937) 254-2955 for professional advice on this matter.

1. Age of the Roof:

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The lifespan of commercial roofs fluctuates according to the materials employed and installation standards. Typically, these can endure between 20-40 years. If your roof is approaching its maximum age limit, replacing it becomes crucial in order to avoid any potential mishaps that may arise later on.

2. Continual Leakage:

If your roof system experiences frequent leaks, it is an apparent indication of its potential failure. Although singular leakages can be fixed, if the rooftop consistently allows water intrusion even after repeated repairs, you might need to assess it for replacement.

3. Significant Storm Damage:

Following extreme weather conditions, rooftops are susceptible to harm that could jeopardize their stability. If your commercial rooftop has undergone considerable destruction from storms like hail or strong winds, it may be more affordable and practical to replace the roof instead of engaging in extensive repair work.

4. Inefficient Energy Usage:

Commercial Roof Replacement

The reason behind a notable surge in heating and cooling expenses could be attributed to insufficient insulation on your roof. A weathered or decaying rooftop can result in loss of energy. By replacing the roofing with an efficient system, you can curtail energy costs and enhance the coziness of your edifice.

5. Clearly apparent signs of use and deterioration:

If you notice indicators such as broken or missing materials, sagging, or evidence of water pooling on the roof, it could mean that repairing the roof is beyond a simple fix. The presence of visible deterioration suggests that there’s likely an issue with the roofing materials failing.

6. Planning for Building Upgrades:

When you’re thinking about renovating or improving your building, it’s a perfect opportunity to evaluate the condition of your roof. If it is aged or has undergone several repairs in the past, replacing it might be advisable. Incorporating a new roof installation as part of your overall renovations can improve both efficiency and visual appeal for optimum results.

A. H. Sturgill Roofing based in Centerville, OH offers customized roofing solutions to cater to your commercial needs exclusively. If you notice any of these warning signs or wish to delve into the current state of your office’s rooftop, feel free to reach us at (937) 254-2955 without delay – remember that tending to roof problems promptly can prove advantageous and cost-effective for eternity! Opt for an intelligent move by having a discussion on whether it is viable for you to opt-in for commercial roof replacement when timely needed on your business property with our skilled team today!

Commercial Roofing Solutions for Every Climate so Your Business Thrives

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Selecting the appropriate roofing system is crucial for maintaining a commercial building’s durability and productivity, particularly considering the various climates found throughout the country. At A. H. Sturgill Roofing located in Centerville, OH, we recognize that each climate presents distinct obstacles and demands tailored roofing solutions. With our proficient advice, your enterprise can flourish regardless of weather conditions. Contact us now at (937) 254-2955 to learn how we can create personalized commercial roofing solutions to fit your precise requirements.

Adjusting to Diverse Weather Conditions

Different climates require different types of commercial roofing. For instance, areas with heavy snowfall need a sturdy roof able to withstand significant weight and allow for simple removal of excess snow. Meanwhile, properties in warmer regions benefit from materials that reflect sunlight and heat to maintain cool interiors while cutting down on air conditioning expenses.

Roofing in Chilly Climates

Commercial Roofing Solutions

Roofing materials that offer superior insulation and can withstand snow and ice are crucial in regions with lower temperatures. PVC and TPO have become common options as they effectively resist cracking, puncturing, or stress caused by freezing conditions. Moreover, a steep-sloped roof is an effective way to avoid the accumulation of snow and ice on your rooftop.

Resolutions for Dry and Hot Climates

Choosing a roof that has reflective features is vital for businesses located in warm and sunny regions to keep the indoor building temperature lower. Materials with high reflectivity like white thermoplastic or coated metal can reduce air conditioning expenses considerably since they deflect rather than absorb solar heat.

Managing Moist and Equatorial Environments

Roofs in regions with elevated humidity and frequent rainfall require the ability to combat moisture infiltration and handle substantial, persistent precipitation. To this end, built-up roofs (BUR) and modified bitumen prove excellent options by providing layers of defense that prohibit leaks while minimizing water harm.

Professional Setup and Service

To prolong the lifespan of your roof, it is essential to have appropriate installation and routine upkeep regardless of weather conditions. A. H. Sturgill Roofing offers thorough maintenance, repair, and installation solutions that guarantee optimal roofing condition to avoid expensive replacements or repairs in the future.

Our team at A. H. Sturgill Roofing located in Centerville, OH provides top-quality commercial roofing solutions tailored to withstand all types of climates with excellent performance. We pride ourselves on our expertise and use only the best materials available to protect your business from extreme heat or cold temperatures, heavy downpours, and more! Get in touch with us today at (937) 254-2955 for a thorough discussion about your commercial roofing requirements, hence prepare yourself against any future weather challenge that may come ahead!

Navigating Commercial Roof Repairs: What Every Property Manager Should Know

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One of the challenges faced when managing a commercial property is preserving the integrity of its roof. A.H. Sturgill Roofing in Centerville, OH aims to assist property managers with their expertise and support for efficient handling of commercial roof repairs. Knowing crucial information can aid in saving resources such as time, money, and effort from being expended unnecessarily. If you require professional guidance or wish to book an inspection appointment, do not hesitate to reach out at (937) 254-2955.

Early Detection is Key

To effectively manage your roof, it’s crucial to adopt a proactive approach by observing it regularly. Carrying out inspections at least twice every year and after harsh weather conditions can help identify cracks, leaks, or wear before they become severe issues. Such routine checks not only prolong the lifespan of your rooftop but also nip potential vulnerabilities in their bud.

Understanding Roofing Materials

Commercial Roof Repairs

The lifespan and environmental resilience of various roofing materials differ. Familiarizing oneself with the composition of their roof can aid in crafting an efficient maintenance regimen. Notably, metal roofs display strength and endurance against extreme weather but may undergo corrosion if left untreated. Conversely, EPDM (rubber-based) material exhibits superior water resistance capabilities while remaining vulnerable to punctures. Appropriately tailoring one’s approach towards addressing a specific component is indispensable for successful upkeep strategies.

Prioritize Safety and Compliance

During any repair project, it is of utmost importance to prioritize safety. Make certain that the roofing contractor abides by all local building codes and safety standards in order to safeguard workers and prevent legal liabilities from emerging while also guaranteeing your building’s structural integrity.

Choose the Right Roofing Contractor

It is crucial to choose a proficient and knowledgeable roofing contractor. A reliable option such as A.H. Sturgill Roofing will conduct an extensive evaluation, communicate effectively with transparent pricing while also offering warranties and follow-up services. The right choice of contractors guarantees the efficient completion of repairs done correctly without any errors or delays.

Budget for Commercial Roof Repairs and Maintenance

Allocating a budget for both routine upkeep and unforeseen fixes can save you from incurring huge expenses later. It’s prudent to create a dedicated reserve fund exclusively for roofing maintenance, which will enable efficient cost management without imposing financial stress.

Managing commercial properties in Centerville, OH can be challenging, and A. H. Sturgill Roofing comprehends this complexity well. We provide extensive roofing services to make sure that your commercial roof repairs are handled with maximum professionalism and efficiency. For maintaining the top condition of your property’s roof throughout the year, contact us today at (937) 254-2955 to learn more about our offerings!

The Ultimate Guide to Commercial Roof Leak Repair

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A. H. Sturgill Roofing, situated in Centerville, OH comprehends the importance of maintaining your commercial property’s integrity by preventing and mending roof leaks promptly. If unattended on time, leakages can cause severe damage such as structural defects or mold growth that might be expensive to fix eventually. Our guide on commercial roof leak repair offers you expert recommendations for keeping your roof watertight and well-maintained so you may consistently protect against these challenges effectively should they arise further down the line too! For scheduling an inspection today or gaining additional information about our services call us at (937) 254-2955 now!

Preventing Roof Leaks

The initial step in preventing roof leaks is through inspection. It’s essential to have routine inspections as they can help detect issues that could potentially escalate into bigger problems. An optimal way of ensuring your roof remains problem-free is by inspecting it at least two times a year, particularly during spring and fall seasons plus after severe weather events. When conducting the inspections, pay attention to missing or cracked shingles, damaged flashing and loose parts around them as well as clogged gutters among others; all these are prone areas for leakage on your roof top. Besides this list above, make sure you’ve checked also whether water drainage systems like gutters function efficiently since pooling of rainwater may lead directly into leakages down the road if not addressed promptly!

Choosing the Right Materials

Commercial Roof Leak Repair

The lifespan of your roof relies on the caliber of materials utilized. Here at A.H. Sturgill Roofing, we suggest premium-grade resources that are appropriate for Ohio’s fluctuations in climate throughout each season. Among those top-notch options suitable for commercial roofs are PVC, TPO, and EPDM because they exhibit exceptional sturdiness and resilience against adverse weather conditions.

Routine Maintenance

Regular inspections and routine maintenance are inseparable. This entails clearing out gutters and downspouts to guarantee their freedom from debris that obstructs proper water drainage, leading to potential pooling issues. Furthermore, elimination of accumulated materials on the roof surface like leaves or branches is crucial in avoiding moisture retention problems.

Addressing Commercial Roof Leak Repairs Promptly

Immediate action is crucial when detecting a leak to prevent additional harm. Our skilled repair crew at A.H Sturgill Roofing can evaluate the damage extent and execute essential fixes, such as sealing leaks or substituting materials. As well as that, we can carry out extensive roof replacement in extreme cases.

Long-Term Solutions

If your roof is prone to frequent leaking, it could be worth considering a more complete resolution like retrofit or replacement. While these options may incur higher expenses in the beginning, they can offer enhanced protection and decreased maintenance costs over an extended period of time.

Our team at A. H. Sturgill Roofing, located in Centerville, OH, takes pride in assisting you with maintaining a sturdy and leak-free roof for your building. We possess the expertise and equipment necessary to prevent or repair any type of leakage issues from damaging your property while also extending its longevity despite harsh weather conditions. To schedule an inspection or gather more information about our commercial roof leak repair services kindly give us a call at (937) 254-2955; we are here to guarantee that your commercial premises remains secure against all elements whilst being completely dry so that it can be utilized without hesitation!

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Materials to Solve Your Commercial Flat Roofing Problems

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It is vital to choose the appropriate materials for your commercial flat roof in order to guarantee durability, efficacy, and affordability. At A.H Sturgill Roofing located in Centerville, OH we have a comprehensive understanding of maintaining an enduring flat roofing structure as well as its challenges. That being said, our team has drafted an ultimate guide that will aid you through making suitable selections specific towards addressing your particular issues with roofing systems available today. For unique recommendations tailored to fit precisely what you need help with regarding this topic please contact us at (937) 254-2955.

Understanding Your Roofing Needs

Commercial Flat Roofing Problems

It’s crucial to evaluate the state of your existing roofing system and identify its unique issues before delving into material selection. Whether you’re battling inadequate insulation, persistent water pooling, or recurring leaks, each problem demands a distinctive approach that may involve varying materials. A comprehensive examination from an expert can uncover these challenges and steer you towards appropriate selections for optimal results.

Material Options for Commercial Flat Roofs

  • EPDM synthetic rubber roofing membrane is a widely preferred option owing to its resilience, effortless installation, and minimal upkeep. It is recognized for enduring ozone, weathering as well as ultraviolet radiation that make it optimal to be used in commercial constructions situated across diverse environments.    
  • When utilized in roofing systems, TPO – an acronym for Thermoplastic Polyolefin – is famous for its capacity to reflect heat and save energy. Because it has the ability to efficiently deflect UV rays, during hot summers it produces a substantial reduction in cooling costs.
  • PVC Roofing is ideal for business establishments like restaurants that release oils and fats through their exhaust systems as it offers remarkable durability, water resistance, chemical resistance, and fire-retardant properties. This material’s outstanding ability to withstand chemicals makes it an excellent choice for such businesses.
  • Modified Bitumen is a roofing material derived from asphalt, which boasts better flexibility and tensile strength. This makes it highly suitable for buildings with flat or near-flat roofs. Thanks to its compatibility with various existing roofing systems, modified bitumen often emerges as the top pick for older structures.
  • Companies looking to improve their appearance and reduce their environmental impact may find that a green roof is the perfect solution. In addition to providing an attractive aesthetic, it also offers valuable benefits such as managing stormwater, enhancing insulation, and decreasing urban heat island effect.

Consult the Experts

Picking the correct material is crucial, but it’s just as vital to choose a dependable roofing contractor. A.H. Sturgill Roofing has years of experience installing, maintaining, and repairing commercial roofs throughout Centerville, OH. Our team assists with choosing materials that fit your flat roofing requirements and budget for an efficient solution that lasts long-term. Contact us at (937) 254-2955 to discuss your commercial roofing needs; let our expertise in high-quality materials and expert installation safeguard your investment!

Learn From the Best: Commercial Roof Maintenance Strategies for Every Season

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In the midst of Trotwood, OH lies A. H. Sturgill Roofing, where we recognize that every season poses distinct challenges to the durability and endurance of your commercial roof structure. Effectively maintaining your business’s roofing system throughout all seasons requires much more than mere repairs; it necessitates proactive measures and consistent commercial roof maintenance protocols for optimal performance. With three decades worth of expertise under our belts, our team is dedicated to providing you with guidance on industry-standard practices ensuring that your commercial roof remains resilient against any harsh Ohio climate elements thrown its way. Give us a call today on (937) 254-2955.

Spring: Spring is the ideal season for conducting a complete inspection because it signifies renewal. In Ohio, winter weather can be harsh on roofing structures. As temperatures begin to increase and snow melts away, it’s vital to carefully check for any signs of water damage or leakage. To prevent long-term destruction caused by standing water, confirm that all drainage systems are free from debris. Furthermore, spring provides an excellent chance to evaluate your roof thoroughly for wear and tear accumulated during the colder months such as loose materials.

Commercial Roof Maintenance

Summer: In the summer season, it’s crucial to prevent premature aging of your roof caused by intense heat and UV radiation. The professionals at A. H. Sturgill Roofing suggest using a reflective roof coating that shields against harmful rays while keeping interiors cool, thereby cutting down AC expenses. Additionally, it is recommended to address any minor damage like cracks or blisters in roofing material during this time so as not to let it escalate into bigger issues later on.

Fall: Autumn is the ideal season to gear up for frigid temperatures by eliminating any clutter from your roof and gutters. This will avert obstructions that may result in water accumulation in your gutter network, leading to ice dams as the mercury lowers. It’s crucial to scrutinize the framework of your roof before winter arrives for evidence of destruction or fragility. Moreover, fixing insulation during this time can curtail warming expenses across upcoming chilly months.

Winter: During Ohio’s frigid winters, performing extensive work can be difficult yet it is imperative to keep track of the snow and ice accumulation on your roof. The A.H Sturgill Roofing team provides commercial roofs with excellent snow removal services that help deter structural damage caused by heavy loads. Furthermore, paying attention to ice dams and taking prompt action against them is crucial in thwarting water penetration that could harm both the building’s interior as well as its structure.

For all your commercial roof maintenance needs in Trotwood, OH, A. H. Sturgill Roofing is the expert you can count on. It’s important to note that keeping a commercial roof well-maintained requires year-round dedication and proactive measures. So, call us now at (937) 254-2955 for seasonal maintenance check-up scheduling and ensure your roofing stays in top-notch condition throughout the entire year – safeguard your investment with proper care every season!